"Remote Server Monitor for any OS" - health and stats App
Currently runs on:
- Linux
- FreeBSD
- NetBSD
- OpenBSD
- DragonflyBSD
- Darwin/Mac OSX
- SunOS/Solaris(alpha)
- Minix (alpha/pointless)
- Windows
Stuff it reports:
- CPU type/speed; Architecture
- Mount point usage
- Hard/optical/flash drives
- Hardware Devices
- Network devices and stats
- Uptime/date booted
- Hostname
- Memory usage (physical and swap, if possible)
- Temperatures/voltages/fan speeds
- RAID arrays
- Via official extensions:
- Truecrypt mounts
- DHCPD leases
- Samba status
- APC UPS status
- Transmission torrents status
- Soldat server status
- CUPS printer status
- libvirt VMs